November, 2024 studio life

My career journey: From 9-5 to self-employed developer

Not all of us naturally find our way on the right career path from the start. In this post, I'm sharing the ins and outs of my career journey, from confused graduate student to 9-5 employee, to self-employed web developer.


Hello! I’m Carly, the Founder of Saorsa Studio. I began my journey in web development back in 2021, but my path here wasn’t so straightforward. From office management to digital marketing, and finally into coding, my career has been an up and down rollercoaster of finding ‘my thing’. If you’re a small business owner navigating your own entrepreneurial path, I hope my story helps you feel a little bit less alone, and that not everybody has everything figured out from the beginning!

The Leap of Faith

In 2015, I was a lost graduate student, unsure of what to do with my life. I took up a receptionist role while I figured things out. A few months later, a family member offered me an opportunity to move to London and work as an Office Manager for his new business. Despite feeling unprepared and battling (major!) imposter syndrome, I embraced the challenge, knowing it might be my only chance to move away from Scotland and seek adventure.

Fast forward five years, and the pandemic hit. I found myself on furlough, which gave me time to reassess my career. I ventured into digital marketing with an unpaid internship and even started working as a Virtual Assistant. It was during this time that an unexpected email landed in my inbox which would change my career path entirely.

The Coding Spark Reignited

In June 2021, I received an email from The Institute of Code, offering a free ‘Website in a Weekend’ course. Back at university, I had taken a web design module which I had really enjoyed, so I had a feeling I would love it! The course reignited that spark, and almost instantly I was getting ready to enrol in one of their eight-week digital web development bootcamps.

Come August 2021, I handed in my resignation. The idea of turning web development into a full-time career, and the freedom to work anywhere in the world had me in a head spin. I was ready to leave my comfort zone behind and start my next adventure!

Building Saorsa Studio

After leaving my job, I took some time off during Christmas to hone my coding skills. I registered myself as self-employed, launching Saorsa Studio. My initial projects were modest, but they allowed me to build my portfolio and refine my skills. Thankfully, my previous employer retained me as a freelancer for a few months, providing a financial safety net. In April 2022, just as I was starting to worry about income, I stumbled upon a job for a creative assistant at a design studio I admired. The role was perfect, allowing me to combine my office management and web development experience.

Developing My Skills

In November 2022, I went on a 10-day coding retreat in Bali with the Institute of Code. It was a great experience that further developed my skills and expanded my network. I continued working freelance at the design studio and over time worked my way up from assistant to Lead Web Developer. I learned so much from the business side to improving my tech skills, having worked on over 50 websites across various industries.

Lessons Learned

Throughout my career transition, I’ve learned a number of important lessons that can benefit small business owners:

Growth takes time: While I initially wanted to start taking clients immediately, working for another design studio has allowed me to gain so much valuable experience. This slower approach has enabled me to deliver better services to my own clients.

Be open to opportunities: Sometimes, unexpected opportunities (like that email from the Institute of Code) can lead to huge shifts in life. Stay open to new experiences, and be willing to take a couple of risks along the way!

Build a supportive network: Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision and support your growth. If you’re self-employed like me, it can end up a little lonely at times. Whether it’s mentors, peers, your partner, your parents (hi mum, I’m looking at you!), these connections can provide guidance, inspiration and lend a listening ear when you need it the most.


My career journey has been far from linear, but it’s been incredibly rewarding. Whether your path has been smooth or full of twists and turns, I’d love you to share your story. If you’re curious about how a custom website can elevate your business, get in touch with me or pop a comment below. Let’s explore how we can bring your vision to life!

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